Trying to repair graphics card ? - fz6b 1000 6.3v
surprised at the opposition to the death will be read from top to bottom. FZ6B 1000 looks around 6.3V, and is the only thing that prevents my computer is not completely obsolete. This is a nvida Geforce 6200 any1 needs to know when.
Fz6b 1000 6.3v Trying To Repair Graphics Card ?
12:48 PM
If the resistance is burned, it would be a symptom of the problem. There are probably many other parts. If the motherboard of a graphics processor, you can then remove the plate and fried, is to start in Safe Mode, you can return on the motherboard.
Are you sure that this resistance? As a rule, do not print the specifications of the tensile strength. It is probably a capacitor.
BTW, your video adapter is outdated .... You can get for under $ 40 and more than 4 years. This is a lifetime in the technology of video cards. Sorry.
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